Showing Up For Yourself When You Quit Drinking

Showing Up For Yourself When You Quit Drinking

You may not know how to begin showing up for yourself when you quit drinking. That’s ok. None of us know what we’re doing when we get sober. 

You’re also becoming someone you’ve never met. So you’re in territories you haven’t explored. This takes time to get used to.

Some days showing up for yourself can be lounging in bed, binge watching your favorite show. Other days, it can be slaying those inner demons. 

Wherever you’re at, you’re doing it right- you’re honoring what you need in order to feel safe. For those moments when confusion creeps in, I broke it down to three simple steps. 

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and let’s help you to begin showing up for yourself. 

Mind Body Soul Program, Holistic Alcohol Sobriety & Recovery, Quit Drinking At Home

You have a teacher within yourself, one that knows you better than anyone else ever will. If you’d like to find your inner guru, join the waitlist for the Mind Body Soul Course, launching Spring 2024.


Yesterday’s truth isn’t today’s truth. So speak a new reality into existence based on today’s truth. 

This doesn’t mean you should deny your past or repress unprocessed emotions. What it means is you get to create an entirely new life by writing a new script while healing past traumas. It’s ok to feel safe now because you are safe. 

Pay attention to your thoughts:

  • What stories are ready to have an ending? 
  • Which scripts can be edited? 
  • How will you write new chapters?

You don’t have to worry about how each chapter is going to begin and end. You can rewrite it as you go along- editing the parts that don’t align with where you’re going or who you want to be. 

When you actively co-create your destiny, you’re showing up in a way that would make your current self so proud. 



We all daydream about a future version of ourselves- the lives we’re living, the happiness we feel, the amount of love we have. Begin embodying those traits now.

There’s no time like the present to start calling in the future. 

Do one thing a day that brings you closer to the person you want to be and the life you want to live. You don’t even have to take physical action. You can go beyond, into the mental and emotional. 

What you can do:

Show up as your future self right now. You’re already that person- you just have to know you’re already them. Don’t try. Just be. 

Mind Body Soul Program, Holistic Alcohol Sobriety & Recovery, Quit Drinking At Home

You have a teacher within yourself, one that knows you better than anyone else ever will. If you’d like to find your inner guru, join the waitlist for the Mind Body Soul Course, launching Spring 2024.


Everything is energy and energy is everything. We can also shift our energy at any given moment. It happens all the time but we may not even notice it. 

When you’re speaking to a negative person, you feel:

  • tired/depleted
  • run down 
  • moody

When you’re talking to someone who’s happy, your/you’re:

  • spirits are lifted
  • optimistic
  • inspired 

Shifting your energy isn’t just internally, it’s who you surround yourself with. You may not be able to control who you’re around all the time. But you can do some quick energy shifts to get you back on track. 

Ways to quickly shift your energy:

  • burn a scented candle/incense 
  • inhale essential oil
  • smudge (sage, Palo Santo, selenite wand)
  • music 
  • take a few deep, slow breaths

You’re also in more control of your own energy than you may think. The first step is being aware of who/what drains your energy. The next step is to minimize what does while maximizing what boosts your energy. You do this by shifting the awareness back to yourself, anchoring in inner balance. 

How do you show up for yourself in sobriety? What motivates and inspires you? Leave a comment below. 

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

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