Reconnecting To Your Mind Body Soul In Sobriety

mind body soul connection in sobriety

Recovery is a humbling paradox- in unbecoming ourselves, we become ourselves. It begins by reconnecting to your mind, body, soul in sobriety- to shed all the layers of who you think you are and come into remembrance of who you are. 

The stories we’ve been told to believe about ourselves, if they’re toxic, lead us into the inferno of self-destruction. But we also have the ability to rewrite our story one breath at a time. 

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and get inspired to find your mind, body, soul connection so you can stay sober. 


Sobriety isn’t just about your mindset. It begins with the heart space- the healing, feeling your way through emotions, and finding safety. 

The heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain to the heart.

Your heart also has the ability to think, feel, and store both short and long term memories. If you’ve noticed that no matter how many times you’ve mentally processed or intellectualized your feelings and emotions, but you still don’t feel healed, it’s because you also need to heal in your heart. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 


We can’t heal when we’re showing up as yesterday’s version of ourselves. Which means we need to think and act differently. It’s also easy. We just need to pay attention to the stories we tell ourselves. 

I’m going to give you an example but before I do, I don’t usually use words like “alcoholic” or “addiction” because I find that they decrease our self-worth. However, for the sake of semantics, I will be using it. This way, you can see how a simple shift in words also shifts your perspective.


I’m an alcoholic. 

It doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, does it? It makes you feel disempowered and that maybe you don’t have what it takes to stay sober. Here’s the thing- you’re no longer an alcoholic. Even if you’re one month sober, one week sober, or one day sober. You’re no longer that version of yourself anymore. 


I’m a recovering alcoholic or I’m sober. 

It sounds better, right? It’s also the truth. Start living today’s truth. Not yesterday’s. Rewrite your inner truths for who you are right now, but more importantly, who you want to become. As you practice showing up as the person you see yourself in the future, you shed the old version of you. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 


Do you ever feel like you’re just existing and not really living life? It’s like a disassociation with yourself, with others, with life. 

It’s because we’re not doing the things that set our soul on fire. Start doing those things that keep calling to you but you’re not sure why. Those are the whispers of your soul. They’re guiding you to your destiny. 

Even if it seems frivolous or not really worth doing, try it. It’s those moments we disconnect from the chatter of the outside world that we begin connecting with ourselves. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 

How do you find the mind, body, soul connection in sobriety and what inspired you to take a holistic approach? Leave a comment below. Also, please be sure to share the post with anyone that may benefit from this. 

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous. 

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