Rewriting Your Inner Truths In Sobriety

rewriting your inner truths in sobriety

You can become anything and anyone you want to be. That begins with rewriting your inner truths in sobriety. 

We all have limiting beliefs, outdated stories, and self-sabotaging behaviors. We also possess the ability to break free from the things that hold us back. 

It takes time, patience, and work. But, it’s also a long term investment into ourselves- and the pay off is so much more than the risk of not taking a chance on ourselves.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and learn how to begin rewriting your inner truths. 



Most of the stories we tell ourselves are disempowering. That’s no fault of our own. 

It’s the way we were indoctrinated- to live in the eyes of others. Those stories can also be rewritten. We just need to be aware of our thoughts. 

Because these stories are so deeply ingrained, we may not even be conscious of what they are. They become who we think we are. So we have to unravel the layers of who we think we are. 

It takes practice to know your stories. But once you start picking up on them, it’s easy to change them. You can change them by thinking differently. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 


Your life may feel like a mess right now. And you may not see the way out of certain situations. 

I’ve been there too so I know exactly how you’re feeling. And my God- if I could do anything differently, I would have trusted more, trusted that I was being guided every step of the way. 

It may not make sense now, but one day all those puzzle pieces will fall into perfect alignment. For now, what you can do is shift your thoughts so your perspective shifts. 

Your life begins flowing with ease when you change your thinking. Look at the example below and see how a shift in perspective alters reality. 

Instead of:

I feel so weak. I just don’t have what it takes. 

Try this:

I asked for the courage to get sober and the prayer was answered. I now have the freedom to be anything and anyone I want to be. 

The first example makes you feel really down about yourself, like you’re not capable of anything more than mediocrity. So you settle for the bare minimum. But that isn’t true. Because you have so much potential within yourself. 

When we see things differently, like in the second example, it lifts our spirits. We don’t feel left out in the bitter cold, we’re taking our power back, and it helps us to trust that we’re being guided.

Create new self-fulfilling prophecies- the ones that align with who and what you desire.

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 


You’re becoming someone you’ve never met. It’s a beautiful transformation, watching the unfolding of who you are. It can also be messy and chaotic navigating uncharted territory. 

Be patient with yourself. You’re doing the absolute best you can, even if you don’t think so. Don’t just believe you’re doing ok. KNOW you are slaying sobriety. 

Speak kindly to yourself. Talk to yourself like you’re your own best friend. Be the person you’ve always needed for yourself. 

You’ve got this. I believe in you. Believe in yourself because when you do, you will move mountains. 

Begin by knowing that when you rewrite your inner truths, you will have an entirely different life- the life you currently daydream about. 

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

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