How to change the relationship you have with yourself in recovery

change your relationship with yourself in sobriety

In early sobriety, we’re strangers to ourselves. It seems nearly impossible to even change the relationship you have with yourself because how can you when you don’t even know who you are?

We’ve been held captive in the darkness for so long that we forget what the light looks like. We don’t even recognize the person staring back at us in the mirror. All we know is that we don’t want to be where we’re at. That much we know.

Together, you and I are going to change that. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy and let’s explore how you can have self-love in recovery.


Create a vision

Even if you don’t know who you are or only have a vague idea of what you want, it’s a starting point. use the power of neuroscience to create a vision board. It isn’t permanent so you can always change it as you continue to grow and evolve.

Those pictures you love but can’t really pinpoint why you like them- put them on your board. The lyrics to that song that makes you feel whole even though you can’t quite describe why it completes you- put that on your board. Anything that makes you feel alive with passion- get that on the board.

When you have a vision or an idea of what you want, who you want to be, the lifestyle you desire- it gives you something to live for.

Set boundaries

Every time you say yes when you really mean no or hold back from speaking up isn’t you living in your truth. Of course, there are situations when it’s better to not be brutally honest. But you also have the emotional intelligence to know the difference so use that to your advantage. 

No relationship will ever thrive without boundaries. Especially if you’re looking to change the relationship you have with yourself. Start small, like committing to one new habit.

Mind Body Soul Course, Cleen Carma, holistic alcohol sobriety

You have a teacher within yourself, one that knows you better than anyone else ever will. If you’d like to find your inner guru, join the waitlist for the Mind Body Soul Course, launching Spring 2024.

Align your heart and mind

There’s this tug of war between the heart and mind- do we listen to logic or do we follow the wildly passionate rhythms of our heart? Sometimes, things don’t make sense in the beginning. With time, they do.

Until then, we need to trust that those nudges are there for a reason. Those inner knowings- it’s bringing us to fulfillment, not to distract us or hold us back from living life. In the meantime, we can use logic and reason while following our inner compass. 


Accept that recovery isn’t linear

This one is a game changer. We place unrealistic expectations upon ourselves. ALL. THE. TIME. From when we should be healed by, to the amount of time it should take to accept sobriety, to even thinking that every day should be fun. 

Time isn’t linear. So we can’t expect recovery to be either. 

When you release any preconceived notion you have, you automatically set yourself up to win. You won’t demean yourself for being behind, or not being strong enough to heal through really intense emotions, or feeling like a failure because you didn’t achieve a certain goal by a self-imposed deadline. There are no deadlines in healing. 

Mind Body Soul Course, Cleen Carma, holistic alcohol sobriety

You have a teacher within yourself, one that knows you better than anyone else ever will. If you’d like to find your inner guru, join the waitlist for the Mind Body Soul Course, launching Spring 2024.

Prioritize yourself

Is it just me or do you find yourself bending over backwards for other people to “atone” for all your mistakes during your drinking days? Doing that isn’t radical acceptance, it’s self-destructive. 

It’s natural to feel bad for hurting those you love during your drinking days. But you also can’t keep apologizing for it for the rest of your life. It won’t heal you or anyone else.

How are you changing the relationship you have with yourself in recovery? Leave a comment below- you never know who you’ll inspire. And please be sure to share this with someone you know would benefit from this read.

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

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