Part Of My Story: Childhood Abuse To Substance Abuse

Part Of My Story: From Childhood Abuse To Substance Abuse

This is just a fragment of my story. Don’t want to bore you so I’ll be keeping it short and releasing more as time passes.

When I was a kid, I would be glued to the TV every time Mommy Dearest was on. It brought me so much comfort and solace to know I wasn’t the only one going through that. 

I knew I was growing up in a toxic and dysfunctional home. But I never understood the repercussions, how deeply that would impact me and shape my own view of the world. 


My biological father was a physically abusive alcoholic. I was four years old the last time I saw him. He was getting arrested because my mom called the cops on him for being drunk. 

As for my stepfather- he worshiped the ground my mother walked on, so didn’t just enable the abuse. He participated in the debauchery. 

The times I tried to speak out would lead to gaslighting, blame shifting, diminishing or flat out dismissing the trauma.

So I lived in the shadows, hoping to be invisible. Because if no one saw or heard me, then nothing could harm me. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 

When I turned 22, things changed. I started drinking more. Instead of having an occasional glass of red wine with dinner or sake with sushi, I started drinking during happy hour, and needed night caps before going to sleep. 

I knew the drinking was escalating to the point of it being problematic, but I was functional. (Until I wasn’t). Besides, drinking helped me to feel everything and nothing. 

I was able to validate my experiences when I was drunk because in those moments, it was safe for me to get angry and cry. Showing those emotions when I was sober was forbidden. 

The drinking also helped me to numb the effects of the abuse. It turned off the past dialogue- “Your father left because he didn’t love you. I should have had an abortion.”


It gave me liberation from myself. I felt safe when I drank. 

When I was sober, I was plagued with emotional and physical flashbacks, panic attacks, anxiety, and suicide ideation. 

I even attempted suicide, hoping death would be the answer. Because it meant I didn’t have to suffer through the pain of living. 

And I wasn’t even ashamed for attempting suicide. I was ashamed because I was still living. 

So I carried on like a dead woman walking- wondering why I kept gravitating towards guys like my parents, how people can attempt to intentionally destroy you without any remorse. 

Most of all, I kept blaming myself for everything that happened. That spiraled deeper into shame which led to drinking myself into oblivion. 

There was a tiny, conscious part of me that knew there was a purpose to all of this. I mean, there had to be. 

But I couldn’t see it. The pain blinded any clarity from shining through. The trauma was too real. 

Mind Body Soul Program, quit drinking at home, holistic alcohol sobriety & recovery, get & stay sober, Cleen Carma

A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose. 

Then a date with fate on 9/5/16 was my moment of surrender. I waved the white flag to the Universe and myself. 

With nothing and no one, not even AA, I got sober. But I knew I was being guided every step of the way by the unseen forces. 

In my haphazard and not too graceful way of navigating sobriety, I found a method that works for me. Now, I’m here to help you rewrite your story one breath at a time. 

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

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