Feel The Holiday Magic With This Sober Survival Guide

Holistic Sober Holiday Survival Guide

There’s something about the magic of the holidays- you can just feel it in the air. But when you’re not sure how to stay sober during the holidays, it can feel so unnerving. Which is why you’re going to want this holistic sober survival guide.

I know how stressful not drinking during the holidays can be. Especially when it looks like everyone else is having fun, except you. Sobriety may not seem fun or even look glamorous, but life is so much easier. Less drama. Far less humiliation. And days you remember.

With this sober survival guide, dare I say, you may learn to start having fun again and embrace the magic of the holidays. Now, let’s rewrite your story one breath at a time. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and get inspired to make this a holiday season worth remembering. 

Before I get into the tips, there’s one thing I hope you take from this- you are so worthy of your dreams and are far more capable than you may realize. You’re also doing so much better than you think you are. Be proud of yourself because learning to survive yourself isn’t an easy thing to do. 

Want more tips? Join the Slow Sober December challenge. Just click on this link to subscribe (you’ll get a few holiday themed freebies).


This is probably the most important tip for this holiday sober survival guide. The majority of us (not just anyone who’s sober), are living in a survival state most of the time. There’s different factors that influence this- unresolved trauma, repressed emotions, drastic change, chronic stress, a crisis. You’ll know which applies to you and it can be more than one factor.

When the brain and body are perceiving danger, we cannot logically think our way out of it. We need to feel our way back into safety. You can do that by regulating your nervous system. What you want to do is bring your body from the sympathetic mode (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) into the parasympathetic state (rest, digest, restore, heal). 

It’s easy and only takes a few minutes. To really reap the benefits, you want to make sure you’re taking time every day to bring your body and mind back into balance. 


The heart sends more signals on how to feel than the brain to the heart. The brain then creates chemical responses to match those signals. 

The heart also creates and releases the same amount of oxytocin as the brain does.

While there are parts of the brain and neurotransmitters that control happiness, real happiness starts with your heart. Only do things that inspire you and bring you joy.

Say no to everything else. Even if it makes you feel uneasy. That temporary discomfort is so much more worth it than the rumination that comes months or even years down the road wondering why you sacrificed your happiness.

  • Place one hand on your heart
  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Think of something that makes you smile
  • Hold onto that image/memory for a moment
  • You’re now connected to your heart
  • Come back to this exercise anytime you need

You know all of those new habits you want to pick up but just can’t seem to get them to stick? Try a challenge. It helps to ease your way into a new lifestyle without the pressure of failing. And it keeps your mind off of drinking.

You can also improvise them to fit your lifestyle and the amount of time you’re able to dedicate. There are so many types of challenges you can do- gratitude, mindfulness, slow living, fitness, etc. You can also check out this 30 Day Energy Cleanse Challenge or you can use the Slow Sober December Challenge as a tool in your sober survival guide.


Whether that’s creating one salt dough ornament per year (here’s a great DIY), visiting a Christmas tree farm, or going to your local Christmas market, traditions make the holidays so much more fun. It’s that thing you wait all year for and each time it comes around, it doesn’t disappoint. Begin a new holiday tradition for yourself. 

Throughout the years, you’ll look back on this tradition and see how far you’ve come in your sober journey. More importantly, you’ll see how worth it it was to keep showing up for yourself.


Who says resolutions are only for the new year? If you make a commitment to work towards something, you have a reason not to drink. Besides, it gives you an excuse when people try to persuade you to drink. If you’re not ready to talk about your sobriety, all you have to say is you’re getting a head start on your new year’s resolutions. 

Need some pointers? Check out this sober glow up post and the science of why sober boards work to help you get motivated.

Want more tips for your sober survival guide? Join the Slow Sober December challenge. Just click on this link to subscribe (you’ll get a few holiday themed freebies).


Everything already feels so overwhelming in sobriety- from emotions to stress to how to get through another day sober. The holidays seem to exacerbate it. Take a timeout if you need to. Slow down and decompress with a cup of hot chocolate while watching Christmas movies or do your favorite go-to activity that you wish you have more time for. You can check out Hygge In Sobriety for those cozy vibes and holistic ways to relax and unwind to build on your holiday sober survival guide.


This is your time to become a better, improved version of yourself. So learn to have fun without drinking. Because when you do, sobriety becomes a visceral desire. Not an obligation. Make a bucket list- all the things you’ve always wanted to do during the holidays (no matter how cheesy they may seem). And enjoy it with childlike wonder and curiosity. 

If you’re stumped on ideas for your bucket list, join the Slow Sober December challenge. Click on this link to subscribe (you’ll get a few holiday themed freebies).


It’s ok if it’s too triggering to attend holiday parties. You’re grieving the death of the old you. It’s not an easy transition or transformation. There’s so much to unravel and explore. Say no to going out if you want to. And if anyone asks why, please remember that no does not require an explanation. 

What challenges do you find in staying sober through the holiday season and what motivates you to keep going? What tools do you keep in your sober survival guide? Leave a comment below- you never know who you’ll inspire. Also, be sure to share this with anyone that may benefit from this read. 

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

Want more tips? Join the Slow Sober December challenge. Just click on this link to subscribe (you’ll get a few holiday themed freebies).

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