Aligning your heart mind connection in sobriety

aligning your heart mind connection in sobriety

When we quit drinking, we know enough to know that we’ve outgrown a part of ourselves but we’re also transforming into someone we’ve never met. Trusting our decision making abilities seems too ambitious. Never mind aligning your heart mind connection because it feels like they’re in constant conflict.

Besides, you’re not really sure what to do. Do you listen to the wildly passionate rhythms of your heart’s desires or do you listen to the safe, predictable stability your brain is encouraging you to go for? 

What if you possess the ability to synchronize your heart and brain? Would you step into your glow up? I hope you said yes because you can harmonize your heart and mind. Yes, you are that powerful. 

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and get ready to transform your sober journey.



Our hearts have 40,000 neuron receptors that think independently from the brain. It also possesses the ability to learn, make decisions, store both short and long term memories, feel, and sense. The heart also receives intuitive information before the brain.

The heart is the little brain.

Those heartbreaks you’ve felt- they’re very real. The memories haunting you, tugging you from your heartstrings- that’s real too. Those nudges you feel from your heart gently pushing you in a direction that makes absolutely no sense, that’s just as real. 

The heart’s electrical component is 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain and the heart’s electromagnetic field is also 100 times greater in strength than the brain. This energetic field extends about three feet outside of our physical bodies.

Notice when you can just sense when someone is feeling down? Or maybe someone has noticed it with you too. We can pick up on others’ emotions through the heart’s electromagnetic field. 

The heart sends more signals to the brain on how to feel than the brain to the heart. The brain then creates chemical responses based on our feelings. 

When you’re oozing pure happiness and absolutely nothing can ruin your day, notice how you influence the energy of those around you? Your energy is contagious. It also goes when you’re not feeling too great about yourself. It’s like you’re a magnet for impatient and rude people. Those vibes are coming from your heart because you are a magnet.


Everything you want- the healing, the happiness, the life you daydream about, it starts with your heart. Flow into your heart mind connection by following your heart.

Your inability to heal isn’t because you have some kind of deficiency in healing. It’s because you need to connect to your heart space. Instead of relying on your mind to heal and solve your problems, feel it from your heart. Remember, the brain is taking cues from the heart on how to feel.

Feeling like you’re cursed because everyone around you seems to be happy and you’re not- you need to feel happy from your heart, not your mind. That electromagnetic field from your heart is bringing back to you what you’re feeling.

The life you daydream about? Answer the callings of your heart. A simple way to do that is by creating a vision board. There’s neuroscience behind why it works and as long as you stay true to your heart’s desires and take aligned action, you will get everything you wish for.

What inspires you to find the heart mind connection in sobriety? Leave a comment below. Also, please be sure to share this post with anyone that may benefit from it.

I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.

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