Sometimes it feels like people are out to get you. And no matter how hard you try to push forward, there’s something holding you back. Of course, you have some blockages, but not all of the resistance is yours. It feels like the people who don’t want to see you succeed are leeching onto your energy.
So you want to protect yourself from them. Keep in mind, even if you’ve gone no contact, that energy can still linger around.
It’s like a breakup- you think about the person everyday until one day you wake up and realize you’re ok. Then you slowly start letting go of memories, pictures, clothes, etc., of your relationship. Those things and thoughts you were holding onto are energy.
Until you’re able to get to a place where you’re no longer thinking about anyone you’ve walked away from, you’re still energetically attached to them. But when you engage in energetic practices everyday, your energy will eventually be blocked from anyone you don’t want in your field.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy, and get these tips on how to protect your energy from people who don’t wish you well.
Our guides are there, waiting to assist us. They can’t impose on our free will so we need to ask them for help. If you haven’t developed a connection with your spiritual team, this is the perfect place to start.
Before you go to sleep, tell them what you’re going through and ask your spiritual team to place you in an energetic bubble so you don’t get any psychic attacks while you’re sleeping.
Also ask your spiritual team to block your energy from those who wish you harm (i.e. from future attacks, from getting readings on you, from having any access to you).
This is my favorite because it’s so easy and we’re already showering every day. When you get in the shower, imagine the water cleansing and purifying you- spiritually, emotionally, psychologically. And feel the grit and grime being washed away.
Call your power back after interactions with anyone that didn’t leave you feeling good about yourself or you just didn’t get genuine vibes from them. This is also a great nightly releasing ritual to get rid of all the energies from the day.
Here’s a mantra. “I call my power back from anyone who is consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally sending me ill will.”
A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose.
The more we engage in spiritual hygiene (think of it as taking showers and brushing your teeth), the less susceptible we are to attacks. You can do the shower cleanse, pray, have gratitude, regularly call your power back, meditate, or anything you want. It takes getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a non-negotiable in your routine.
It hurts so much when people are so committed to destroying you, that they would impose on your free will, including doing anything to hinder your progress. And it hurts just as much when they portray an image of you that they want others to see. Feel the betrayal, the anger, the rage, all of it. Let it flow through you. The more you allow yourself to feel this, the faster those emotions leave your body. Remember, the only way out is through.
If you’re around people when you’re hurting, they can sense it, even on a subconscious level. So, if they don’t have your best interest at heart, they’ll use it as an opportunity to bring you down.
Take time to be alone. Heal. Nurture yourself. Your body’s exhausted. You’re mentally taxed. Take a breather and allow yourself to rest so you can come back refreshed and recharged.
The more you shift your consciousness, the less of a vibrational match you become for spiritual attacks. That’s not to say you’re a bad person so you deserve energetic attacks. Far from it.
But if there’s a part of you that feels unworthy, you’ll attract energies similar to that, like scarcity. Or if you’re consumed with self-loathing, you may magnetize some form of hatred.
When you focus on healing and shifting your awareness, the more you’ll attract what you do want. People still may send you the evil eye and hexes, but when your consciousness is raised, whatever is thrown your way will bounce right off and have a boomerang effect.
I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.