I’m a huge proponent of healing on our own. When I got sober, it was a necessity for me because I didn’t have anyone. But I’ve come to love it because only we know how to help ourselves in a way that others can’t.
At the end of the day, pills and therapy can only do so much. We can take anti depressants and anti anxiety, even antabuse, but our happiness and inner peace starts with us.
We can go to therapy and have an awesome therapist but they can only take us to the edge. It’s up to us to jump off the cliff with unwavering faith that we’re going to be caught and guided by the unseen forces. It’s up to us to trust ourselves enough to make the right decisions.
You know yourself better than anyone else ever will. You know what makes you tick, what sets your soul on fire, what enrages you.
The way you lay in bed at night wondering why you’re so misunderstood, don’t rely on others to see and hear you. Take the time to understand yourself.
When you wonder why you feel so alone in a world full of people, you don’t need anyone but yourself to fill that void. Of course you want companionship, but would you prefer healthy and stable or toxic? So fill yourself up and the right people will be attracted to you like a moth to a flame.
The times you just wish that someone, anyone would offer sound and logical advice but it never seems to happen? Go within yourself. You have an internal compass waiting for you to ask it for guidance and direction. It will never disappoint. And the more you listen to it, the more fulfilled you’ll be.
A 21 day DIY sobriety program to awaken your inner guru so you can transform pain into power and purpose.
I know it’s scary to go deep within and confront the unhealed wounds. And not only that, but to actually embrace the parts you feel so ashamed of. It’s almost not worth it.
Almost being the operative word. Because every tear, every invisible scar, every heart break- it’s all worth it when we find the missing parts of ourselves. The parts that make us complete are in the things we don’t want to look at.
It’s ironic isn’t it? We think what makes us complete are only the parts we like. But that’s only half of it. The darkness, the shame, the humiliation- it’s what makes us whole. It’s what makes us human.
So if you take away anything from this- don’t fear yourself or anything in you. Because you deserve so much more than that.
The way you wish others would speak to you? Speak to yourself with that same tone and patience. The way you wish others would treat you? Treat yourself with that same compassion. The times you wish you had a support system? Become the person you’ve always needed.
That’s where the treasure is. It’s in you. It always has been. It always will be.
The best part? It won’t go anywhere once you find it. It won’t abandon you, it won’t leave you high and dry, it won’t betray you. It’s there to stay.
I’ll see you soon…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous.