Feel The Holiday Magic With This Sober Survival Guide

There’s something about the magic of the holidays- you can just feel it in the air. But when you’re not sure how to stay sober during the holidays, it can feel so unnerving. Which is why you’re going to want this holistic sober survival guide. I know how stressful not drinking during the holidays can […]

Top 5 holistic ways to relax and unwind in sobriety

relax and unwind in sobriety

One of the most challenging things when we quit drinking is learning to relax and unwind in sobriety. It’s not that it’s foreign to any of us, it was just so much easier to deal with it during the drinking days. All we had to do was pour a drink to take the edge off.  […]

This easy energy cleanse 30 day challenge in sobriety will restore you

energy cleanse in sobriety

Ever get so focused on staying sober that other things, like life, kind of fall to the wayside? I’m pretty sure it’s happened to all of us. Which is why we’re going to do a 30 day energy cleanse challenge so you can shift your focus in sobriety to making room for what matters to […]

Seven Things I Wish I Knew When I First Got Sober

things I wish I knew when I first got sober

In honor of recently celebrating my 7th year of sobriety (9/5/16), I wanted to write a post for you on seven things I wish I knew when I first got sober. If you’re in the early stages of sobriety or are struggling, this may help you to navigate choppy waters and better understand what you’re […]

Want a holistic sober glow up? Try this mind, body, soul approach 

You hear about people living their best lives in sobriety all the time, but your head is barely floating above water. You’re just getting by trying to acclimate to this new life, that you don’t even know how it’s possible. Well, how about a holistic sober glow up plan to become the better, improved version […]

10 Mantras To Change Your Thinking In Sobriety Plus FREE Phone Wallpapers

One of the most disempowering feelings is to feel so powerless over yourself. Which is why we’re going to give you a perspective shift with these ten mantras to change your thinking in sobriety. By the time we get sober, we’ve become so disconnected with ourselves that we don’t even know how or where to […]

This mind, body, soul detox in sobriety is so simple and it’s free

mind body soul detox in sobriety

Come back to your breath. We hear it all the time but it holds so much more weight than we’ve given it credit for. Because it’s all you need for a mind, body, soul detox in sobriety. Not only does deep breathing change the way we’ve been approaching detoxes, but it’s what we need to […]

How to change the relationship you have with yourself in recovery

change your relationship with yourself in sobriety

In early sobriety, we’re strangers to ourselves. It seems nearly impossible to even change the relationship you have with yourself because how can you when you don’t even know who you are? We’ve been held captive in the darkness for so long that we forget what the light looks like. We don’t even recognize the […]

Honoring your recovery journey (even when you feel you can’t)

honoring your recovery journey

It’s so easy to berate yourself for being sober because it seems like a punishment, not a journey worth honoring. Add the stigma surrounding substance abuse, you can’t help but feel like it’s a dirty little secret that you have to protect at all costs.  So you begin ruminating- beating yourself up for not being […]

Becoming a Better Person in Sobriety

Years ago, I read a Maya Angelou quote that stuck with me: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I often remember the conversations I’ve had, but it isn’t the words that have stayed with me. It’s […]