How To Spiritually Heal Toxic/Bad Habits

How To Spiritually Heal Toxic/Bad Habits

We’re already hard on ourselves, holding ourselves to unreasonable expectations. We make it worse when we know we have to release our toxic or bad habits and we engage in negative self-talk. It then becomes self-destructive because we give up on healing through it, thinking it’s our fate so we’ll just accept it.

No. You’re doing an amazing job working on yourself. And while I don’t know what your circumstance is, I do know without a shadow of a doubt that you do not have to settle for mediocrity. And you shouldn’t. You didn’t make it this far to remain stuck and stagnant. You’ve made it this far so you could realize your own potential and power. 

Sometimes we don’t see our own power. And that’s ok. Everything comes at exactly the moment we need it and not a moment too soon or a moment too late. Sometimes we need a little help from the unseen forces to help us in this journey of what we call life. It’s also ok to ask them for help- they can do things beyond our wildest imagination because they can see things we can’t. Which is how you’re going to heal your toxic or bad habits. You’re going to give it to the Divine.

About 6 months ago (at the time of publishing this), I figured out a way to spiritually heal toxic/bad habits and I want to share it with you. I originally used it to quit smoking and because it worked so well, I’ve come back to it for other things- unhealed wounds, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, walking away from relationships I had outgrown but didn’t have the courage to leave, even clarity when I felt stuck and wanted to see my blindspots. 

I’m going to share my own story below. If you want to skip it, you can scroll down to, THIS IS HOW. If you haven’t already, grab a cup of coffee or tea and get comfy. 


Something I’ve never spoken about was that I was a smoker for most of my life. I swear, I was more embarrassed to admit that than having struggled with substance abuse. 

I finally quit smoking in July. I had quit several times in the past but always picked it back up during a night of drinking. Then when I got sober, I thought quitting smoking would come easily. 

Nope. Not at all. It was like smoking was my crutch. It was my safety net so to speak. No matter what modality I tried to quit smoking, it didn’t work. I think subconsciously a part of me didn’t want it to work. 

Anyway, I’ve mentioned how I got sober- that I received a message from Archangel Michael and I surrendered all of me to the Divine. In that moment of surrender, every desire I had to drink left my body. I even felt the taste of alcohol leave my mouth and I asked myself, “What was I thinking?”

I slept like a baby the day I quit and it continued, I didn’t have those intensely weird dreams, I didn’t have the shakes or hallucinations- literally no withdrawal symptoms. And I know about this because every time prior to this, I had all of those symptoms. It was so bad that most of the time I couldn’t make it past an entire day of not drinking. 

Back to smoking- I wanted to quit but I didn’t want to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. Because in the past, I would be so moody and irritable for MONTHS of not smoking a cigarette. It was like my personality did a 180 when I wasn’t a smoker. And I didn’t like that version of me.

I instantly changed when I quit drinking. I felt a peace that I had never felt before. And I wanted that to be a blueprint for being a non-smoker. So, I used how I quit drinking to help me quit smoking. 

Every day for about a week, I would talk to Archangel Michael. I’d say, “Archangel Michael, please help me to quit smoking. Make it like the time when I got sober, when I had no withdrawal symptoms, when it was so easy and effortless. Thank you!” 

About a week of saying this everyday, I was smoking a cigarette when I said, “I don’t want to smoke anymore.” 

I stopped. Just like that. The next day, I was craving a cigarette when I heard that voice in my head, “It’s no longer in alignment with you are.” And the feeling of wanting a cigarette left. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had minor psychological withdrawals- but it’s more the familiarity of smoking than it actually is craving a cigarette. 

So if you want to release a toxic or bad habit, you can. You just need to make it easier on yourself and stop beating yourself up. 


Think back to a time when you overcame or accomplished something that was so natural that you look back at it with reverence. We all have at least one time, even if it was grade school, we have it. 

How did you feel when you overcame or accomplished that thing? Come back to that feeling. The sense of accomplishment you felt, the overwhelming sense of peace it brought you, the happiness. Feel into the emotions from that memory. Write it down if you need to. 

Communicate with your spiritual team. If you don’t have a connection with them, now would be a really great time to start. They want to help us, we just have to ask for it. Ask them to help you to release the toxic/bad habit and describe to them how you want it to be. Tell them that you want this to be a smooth transition, you don’t want to feel side effects, etc.- ask them to guide you. They will. 

Repeat this once a day (more if you want) until you’re able to kick your habit. We’re all different so I can’t guarantee quick results. It really depends on our subconscious blocks and our faith in the Divine. That doesn’t mean to give up if you don’t see immediate results. It means to be a stubborn soul and eventually, you’ll get what you want. 

I’ll see you next Sunday…in the meantime, love yourself so much that even a Hallmark Christmas movie would be jealous. 

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